
Featured Specialties

Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Engineering


Four-yearBachelor Degree Program


Inorganic nonmetallicmaterials engineering grew out of office of materials teaching and researchaffiliated to the department of metallic materials established in 1985. In1992, it was renamed office of inorganic nonmetallic teaching and research. In1985, it was authorized to award master degrees and in 1984 it began to recruitpostgraducates. In 1986, the first class graduated with master degree. In 2006,it was authorized to award doctorate degrees in materials science and in 2007 materialsscience was ranked a national key discipline. It is authorized to award firstlevel master and doctorate degrees inmaterials scienceand engineering with a postdoctoral station.


There are 16teachers---12 professors, 3 assistant professors and 1 lecturer, 9 of whom arePh.D. Supervisors and 13 have doctorate degree.Until now, 10 teachers have pursuedacademic degrees or engaged in advanced research abroad.

There are 1 DistinguishedProfessor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program, 1 winner of National Science Fundfor Distinguished Young Scholars. In addition, there are several teaching andresearch teams, including 1 innovation group supported by National NaturalScience Foundation of China, 1 innovation team supported by Program for Chang JiangScholars and Innovative Research Team in University, 1 National Defense Scienceand Technology Innovation Team.


College ofMaterials Science and Engineering to which this discipline affiliated housesNational Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Materials Engineering( and the State Key Laboratory of MetastableMaterials Technology and Science ( The 9135m2laboratory houses experimental equipment and instruments of 70 million yuan intotal value.

Teaching &Research

In the past fiveyears, the faculty undertook more than 60 research projects including National973 Plan Project, 863 Plan Program, General Programs and Key Programs ofNational Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research Project,major and key programs of national defense industry, provincial-ministeriallevel fund projects and other science research projects, for which the researchfunding topped 20 million yuan and more than 10 patents were granted.In addition, thefaculty won 1 second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Awardand 6 provincial-ministerial level awards. More than 300 papers were published,200 of which were indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP.

Program Objectives

Now, thisdiscipline is developing in two directions: Superhard Materials and Silicate Materials.It mainly aims to train students with systematic theories of inorganic nonmetallicmaterials science, application technology of materials engineering, basictesting skills and research methods of scientific innovation. Students acquirea wide range of knowledge, adaptability and employment competitiveness.

Core Courses

The core coursesinclude the following: Electrical engineering and electronic technology, fundamentalsof mechanical design, theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, fundamentalsof inorganic materials science, physical properties of inorganic materials, modernmethods for materials analysis, experimental parameters and measurement, computationalapplication in materials science, transmission principles, fundamentals of crystallography,inorganic material petrography, glass technology, ceramic technology, silicate equipment,superhard materials science, superhard abrasive technology, ordinary abrasive technology,superhard equipment.


In the past fiveyears, the primary employment rate for graduating students majoring in metallicmaterials remained above 85% and the rate of postgraduate admission above 50%. Amajority of students were employed by state-owned large and medium-sizedenterprises located in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Dalian and areas near Hebeiprovince. Most of their positions were in technical departments, qualityinspection departments and R &D departments. Universities admittingstudents for their Master degree programs are either affiliated with ChineseAcademy of Sciences or other well-known institutes.

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