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Automation program at YSU was founded in 1960 by some core teachersfrom electrification for industrial enterprises program (the predecessor ofChina’ automation program), Harbin Institute of Technology. It was renamed electricdrive and automation in 1962 and industrial automation after 1980.

In 1984, the program at Northeast Heavy Machinery College (whichofficially changed its name to bet365体育在线导航 with the approval of the StateEducation Commission in 1997) moved southward to Qinhuangdao and becameindustrial automation program at YSU. It belongs to control theory and controlengineering program, control science and engineering discipline according to theState Education Commission after 1997.

Approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council in 1980,control theory and control engineering discipline was one of the first programsauthorized to confer master degrees and master degrees of engineering in controlengineering.

It was authorized to confer doctoral degrees and awarded a Hebei keydiscipline in 2000.

The industrial computer control engineering laboratory was approvedas a Hebei key laboratory in 2001.

It was authorized to confer master degrees in systems engineering in2001.

In 2003, it was authorized to confer doctoral degrees in detectiontechnology and automatic device and master degrees in pattern recognition andintelligent system.

In May, 2005, it was designated the national Automation SystemEngineer Accreditation(ASEA)Site in Hebei; control science and engineering discipline (disciplinegroup) was approved as a Hebei strong special discipline (discipline group) inthe same year.

It was authorized confer first-level discipline doctoral degrees incontrol science and engineering in March 2006.

A postdoctoral research station in control science and engineeringwas established in June, 2007.

Control theory and control engineering discipline was identified as anational defense core discipline by the State Commission of Science andTechnology for National Defense Industry.

Control science and engineering, education innovation center of equipmentmanufacturing was awarded a Hebei undergraduate education innovation center in2008.

Automation program was identified as the national construction site ofbrand and characteristic program in colleges and universities by the Ministryof Education in April, 2009.

In June 2009, the teaching team of control theory was identified asthe Hebei Teaching Team of Higher Education.

In Feb 2010, Automation program was identified as one of the first evaluationunits of Excellent Engineer Training Program by the Ministry of Education.

At present, there are 58 full-time faculty members (40 with doctoraldegrees), including 19 professors, 23 associate professors, 10 lecturers, 1 teachingassistant, 3 senior engineers, 1 senior experimentalist and 1 engineer. Amongthem, 11 are PH.D. Supervisors; 40 are master thesis advisors. Besides, 3academicians are hired as distinguished professors.

Meanwhile,there is 1 Chang Jiang (Yangtze)River distinguished professor, 1 national candidate of “Thousands of TalentsProject of the New Century”, 2 winners of Ministry of Education New CenturyExcellent Talent Support Program,1 winner of HebeiNatural Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars, 1 nominee of National ExcellentDoctoral Dissertation, 1 third layer candidate of Hebei New Century “333Talents Project”, 2 candidates for Hebei Hundred Innovative Talents Program, 1YSU excellent teacher, and 3Humboldt scholars, formingan academically well-structured teaching team. 30 students have graduated withdoctoral degrees, 523 with master degrees.

In the past five years, the faculty undertookk over 30 researchprojects including National 973 Plan Project, 863 Plan Program, national keyprograms and National Natural Science Foundation projects, 40 provincial-ministeriallevel projects and 200 cooperative projects with enterprises, for which theresearch funding topped 50 million yuan.

In addition, 1 National Foundation project for Outstanding YoungScholars and 1 key National Natural Science Foundation program were approvedand established. The faculty won 2 second prizes of National Science andTechnology Progress Award; 1 second prize of National Natural Science Award; 4first prizes, 1 second prize and 2 third prizes of provincial-ministerial levelTechnology Progress Award. This major has an excellent record of publishedresearch--- 8 academic monographs, 13 textbooks and over 600 papers, 300 ofwhich were indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP.

In 1999, 5 laboratories were restructured into YSU automation laboratorycenter to meet the requirements of enrollment expansion and teaching reform andto enhance students’ practical competence. covering an area of 2,000 squaremeters, the center has fixed assets of 16.3 million yuan and 833 sets ofexperimental equipment worth 8.3 million yuan, including 12 sets of largeequipment worth more than 100 thousand yuan each and 30 sets of equipment worthmore than 50 thousand yuan each.

In addition to the 3 laboratories for undergraduate teaching, namelycomputer control laboratory, automatic control system laboratory and processcontrol laboratory, the center is also equipped with several professionallaboratories for graduate teaching and research, including complex network andcontrol laboratory, industrial integrated automation laboratory, patternrecognition and robot control laboratory, advanced process control systemlaboratory and metallurgical automation system laboratory.

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

Automation program for undergraduates has 3 specializations: industrialautomation, computer control and application, and process control. Thedepartment undertakes two Hebei excellent courses, namely automatic controltheory and microcomputer control technology.

Research directions: electric automation for industrial enterprises,computer control and application, industrial production process automation,metallurgical integrated automation, pattern recognition and intelligent system,robot control technology, network control.

Program objectives

This major aims to prepare students for senior engineering personnelpositions with a working knowledge of integrated automation system design and technologyin a variety of complex production processes of modern industry and with a professionalknowledge of modern control theory and control methods in control science andengineering and the engineering application technology, to work in the fieldsof control theory, control engineering, production process automation, artificialintelligence and robot control.

Core Courses

Core courses include the following: circuit principle, feedbackcontrol theory, modern control theory, analog electronic technology, digitalelectronic technology, microcomputer principle, principles and applications of singlechip computer, microcomputer control technology, electrical control and thePLC, electrical machinery and drive foundation, power electronic conversiontechnology, DC drive control system, AC drive control system, industrialcontrol computer network, industrial control software fundamentals, buildingautomation, detection and conversion technology, numerical control technology,intelligent control foundation, control system simulation, MATLAB language.

Possible careers

Potential careers for graduates include: teaching in colleges anduniversities, scientific research in research institutes, product developmentand production management in companies and research and design in nationaldefense industry, in the fields of integrated automation of industrial systems,computer control, industrial process control and electric power transmissioncontrol.

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