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Electrical Engineering and Automation


ElectricalEngineering and Automation program at Electrical Engineering School isauthorized to confer first-level discipline master degrees in electricalengineering covering five second-level disciplines, including power Electronicsand power Drives,Power System and its Automation,electrical engineering theory and new technology, Electrical machinery andelectrical apparatus, High Voltage and Insulation Technology. Power Electronicsand power Drives, a Hebei key discipline, is authorized to confer doctoraldegrees with a postdoctoral station and a Hebei key laboratory of PowerElectronics for Energy Conservation and Motor drive. 

Currently, thereare 51 faculty, including 12 professors (5 of whom are PH.D. Supervisors) and 17associate professors. 57% of the faculty have senior professional titles; 55%have doctoral degrees.

With years ofdevelopment, the major has 5 feature specializations: power conversion andenergy conservation of power electronics, new energy power generation and powerquality control, electrical drive and rolling mill automation, failure diagnosisand information fusion of electric drive system, materials and application ofpower electric devices. In addition, the faculty produce world-class researchachievements in the fields of topology and control of high-frequency converter,new energy power generation and grid connection techniques, power loss calculationand economical operation, special switching power supply, high power tractiondrive and failure diagnosis, and new functional electronic devices.

In the past fiveyears, guided by the national new energy development strategy, the majoraccomplished more than 60 research programs, including some (key) programs of NaturalScience Foundation of China and Hebei Natural Science Foundation; and won 7prizes of provincial-ministerial level, 11 of municipal and other levels. Meanwhile,this major has an excellent record of published research---more than 600academic papers and 5 monographs. 11 invention patents were granted.

The major has alaboratory area of 1760m2with 1216 sets of advanced experimentalequipment worth 24.326 million yuan. Professional labs include powerelectronics technology, electric motor and towage, power electronics simulationand control, Ac-Dc drive control, power system automation, power system relay protection,electromagnetic measurement, power system simulation, PLC. 1 research instituteis in power electronics and new energy technology. Research labs include inverterpower supply technology, renewable energy power generation, electric powersystem simulation, electrical motor and control technology, variable-frequencypower supply, high frequency switching power supply, power quality control,power factor correction, electrical power and new technology. Researchplatforms include distributed photovoltaic power generation and grid connectioncontrol, simulation wind turbine generator and grid connection control, digitalreal-time simulation platform for electric power system, and power networkstatic simulation

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

Now, thisprogram is developing in two directions: Applied Electronic Technology (PowerElectronics and Electrical Drives), Electric Power System and its Automation.

Program objectives

This majorprepares students for positions of senior technical and management specialists towork on engineering design, system operation, scientific research, technologydevelopment and financial management in the fields of power electronics and electricalpower conversion, power system operation and management, electric automationcontrol and computer application technology. With a working knowledge ofelectric engineering as well as automation and information technology, graduatesare capable of solving professional problems combining high and low voltage.


Combining highand low voltage, electrical and electronics, power electronics and informationelectronics, software and hardware, this major aims to nurture students withspecialized knowledge and practical education.

Core Course

Core coursesinclude the following: Circuit Theory, analog electronics technology, digitalelectronics technology, microcomputer principle, automatic control theory, electro-mechanics,power electronics technology, electric power system analysis, PowerTransmission and Control,high frequencyswitching power supply technology, electric power system automatic control, PowerSystem Relay Protection, PLC and electric control technology, computer controltechnology, computer simulation and computer-aided design, SCM (single chipmicroprocessor) principle and application.

Possible careers

Graduates can employment with electrical power generationand transmission, electrical power conversion, energy conservation, electricalenergy saving, new energy development, power equipment manufacturing, powersupply and distribution system and other technology or product development,design, operation and maintenance in high and new technology enterprises, electricpower companies and research institutes. In recent years, the primaryemployment rate of graduating students remained above 90%.

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