
Featured Specialties

Electronic Information Engineering


Electronic Information Engineering Program at YSU,affiliatedwith the department of electronic and communication engineering, School ofInformation Science and Engineering, is a Hebei characteristic specialty. It isauthorized to confer master degrees of 1 first level discipline in informationand communication engineering, 2 second level disciplines in CIS (communicationand information system) and SIP (signal and information engineering), and doctoraldegrees in electronic circuit and system. There are 38 faculty members for thismajor, including 7 professors and 8 associate professors, 60% of whom havedoctoral degrees. Through many years of efforts, this major has hadspecializations in scientific research involved in modern communicationtechnology, communication signal processing, communication coding technology,picture processing, mode recognition, electromagnetic signal detection,industrial telemetry and telecontrol.

The department has made a great number of scientific achievementssince Large-scale Single Sideband Communication Machine System---a national keyscientific and technological project was completed in the 1970s. In the past decade,the department won 1 national award and 11 provincial-ministerial awards. Over300 high-profile academic papers were published and 5 national and over 20 provincial-ministerialresearch projects were completed.

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

Specializations: Electronic system design,embedded system design, intelligent information processing and telemetry andtelecontrol.

Program objectives

This major aims to prepare students forsenior technical personnel positions with a working knowledge of electronictechnology and information systems,modern electronic information technology,and signal processing, to work on research, design, manufacturing anddevelopment of electronic equipment and information system.

Core Course

Core courses include the following: circuitprinciple, analog circuit, digital circuit, EDA principle, high frequencycircuit, electromagnetic field and microwave technology, antenna and propagation,signal and system, digital signal processing, communication principle, testingtechnology and instrument, TV principle, sensor technology, embedded system,object-oriented programming, microcomputer principle, principle of Single ChipComputer, computer network.

Possible Careers

Potential careers for graduates include:teaching in colleges and universities; scientific research in researchinstitutes; product development, equipment maintenance and productionmanagement in communication enterprises.

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