
Featured Specialties

Vehicle Engineering


Founded in 1999, vehicle engineering program at YSU developsfast. Of the 140 vehicle engineering majors in universities nation-wide, it isone of the five national key disciplines. It is authorized to confer master anddoctoral degrees with a great influence in automobile industry. It is anInnovation Center of Hebei Undergraduate Education.

There is a young dynamic teaching and research team of16 faculty members with an average age of 38, including 4 professors, 9associate professors, and 5 lecturers (engineers). Among them, 11 have doctoraldegrees and 4 are doctoral degree candidates with master degrees; 5 have overseaseducation backgrounds and 3 have over 5 years of work experience in enterprises.

Vehicle engineering major has 3teaching specializations: automobile chassis design, design and manufacturing ofautomobile body, and automotive electronic control technology. Students takecourses on automobile structure, automobile theory, automobile design, engineprinciple, automobile body structure design, automobile styling, automobile bodymanufacturing techniques, automobile testing, automobile CAD/CAM. The majorattaches great importance to teaching quality. Teaching effectiveness rate isabove 90% annually and one third of specialized courses are scholastic andprovincial level top-quality courses.

Vehicle engineering laboratory, an area of 1500 squaremeters with experimental equipment worth 6 million yuan, is a Hebei demonstrationcenter for experimental undergraduate education. The laboratory houses an automobilestructure showroom, an automobile structure disassembly and assembly laboratory,an automobile performance laboratory, engine performance testing room, and automobilebody laboratory. 160 hours of classes (mostly comprehensive and innovationexperiments) are offered to students at the teaching site of 3000 square meters.

Vehicle engineering major has an innovation laboratoryfor undergraduates to make technological inventions. Students have developed 3 energy-savingvehicles and won prizes in 3 sessions of Honda (China) Energy SavingCompetitions since 2007, which was reported by CCTV and other media. In 2010, studentsdeveloped formula car model to enter into the first FSC (Formula Student China).In recent years, students completed 7 national and 3 scholastic innovative projectsunder the direction of vehicle engineering faculty. These projects allowstudents to explore creative importance, value teamwork and to solve problemsusing skills they have honed in the classroom.

Research Strength

The main research directions include automobile bodydesign and manufacturing, vehicle system dynamics, electric vehicle and automobileelectronic control technology. In the past 5 years, the faculty won 5 Scienceand Technology Progress Awards of provincial-ministerial level, including 1 secondprize of national Science and Technology Progress Award and 1 first prize ofHebei Science and Technology Progress Award. 17 research projects werecompleted, 9 of which are national and provincial-ministerial level. The valueof the contracts for technology transfer and technology development topped 2.46million yuan. The department has an excellent record of published research: 65academic papers in discipline-specific journals, 2 monographs, 4 textbooks and5 specialized books. 10 patents of inventions and utility models were granted.

Student Management

There are 500 students in 8 classes of level 1 andlevel 3 undergraduate programs and 80 graduates. The employment rate forgraduating students is around 95% for several years consecutively.

Domestic and international academic exchanges arevalued. Scholars and experts both at home and abroad are invited to givelectures and engage in cooperative research.

This major aims to prepare students for seniortechnical specialist positions in the fields of automobile design, manufacturing,and application. Potential careers for graduates include: design andmanufacturing in automobile manufacturing enterprises, technical service in productdevelopment organizations, and teaching in colleges and universities. In thepast decade, graduates found employment with Faw Group, Dongfeng MotorCorporation, FOTON, Tianjin Auto, Chang’an Automobile, SINOTRUK, Chery, Geelyand other automobile enterprises and research institutions.

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