
Featured Specialties

Petroleum Engineering


Petroleum and natural gas engineering major at YSU, anInnovation Center of Hebei Undergraduate Education, has 1 undergraduateprogram, 2 second level master programs (oil and gas field developmentengineering, oil and gas well engineering ) and 1professional master of engineering program (oiland natural gas engineering) with a research institute and a lab of oilengineering.

There is a young and dynamic teaching and researchteam of 12 faculty members for this major, including 2 professors (1 PH.D.Supervisor), 6 associate professors, and 4 lecturers (engineers). 90% of thefaculty have doctoral degrees.

Oil and natural gas are important energy, chemicalmaterial and strategic resources for national economy. This major aims toprepare students for positions of senior technical and management specialists withtheoretical foundation of engineering and a working knowledge ofpetroleumengineering in the field of petroleum engineering, including oil and gas welldrilling and completion engineering, oil extraction engineering, oil reservoirengineering, reservoir evaluation, engineering design, engineering facility andits management, research and development of applied technology.


1. Oil well drilling engineering and its new technology

2. Pipe string mechanics and downhole conditionmonitoring technology

3. Rock mechanics

4. Theory and technology of oil and natural gasexploitation engineering

5. Theory and method of oil and natural gas reservoirdescription and modeling

6. Theory and method of oil and natural gas field development

7. EOR (enhanced oil recovery) theory and technology

8. Research and development of information technologyand software system for petroleum engineering.

With importance attached to the construction ofexperimental courses and labs, this major now has enough experimental equipmentworth more than 3 million yuan (more than 50 sets) and lab areas (450 m2)for students to have specialized experiments in major courses and innovative experiments.

The faculty have developed top-level multimediacourseware in teaching, including petro-physics, development geology, drillingengineering, oil extraction engineering, oil reservoir engineering, petroleumengineering, geophysics well logging in mine field, oil well chemistry. The multimediacourseware has played an important role in the teaching practice.

The major has established stable internship bases. Studentshave opportunities to have geology practice in QHD national geology park for 2weeks, professional practice for 1 week, metalworking practice inuniversity-run factory for 3 weeks, production practice in oil fields for 4weeks.

To promote teaching with scientific research, thismajor allows undergraduates to get involved in research projects to enhancetheir problem-solving ability.

The petroleum engineering department has made fruitfulscientific research achievements which are in leading position both at home andabroad. Several National Natural Science Foundation programs, national keyprojects and national “973” research projects were completed. Currently, 2National Natural Science Foundation projects and 1 national key project are inprogress. The major combines teaching, production and research and cooperatesextensively with enterprises with 10 projects approved annually. The projectachievements were applied in the production of oil fields and produced hugeeconomic benefits and social influence.

In recent years, the petroleum engineering departmenthas published more than 100 papers on domestic and overseas journals with 30 indexedby SCI and EI. Meanwhile, several monographs were published.

Student management

With an emphasis on quality-education, the major holds a businesscompetition annually to improve students’ adaptability to society. Since 2005, 5students have won prizes in YSU “New Century Cup” for undergraduateextracurricular technological works competition and 1 has won the 3rdprize in the Hebei martial arts and free-combat competition. Majority of thestudents were employed by the navy and oil fields, while some others wereadmitted to key universities for master programs. Graduates were highlyrecommended by employers because of their high quality and practical skills.

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