
Featured Specialties

Metallic Materials Engineering



Metallic materials engineering, one of theearliest majors that set up a department in College of Materials Science andEngineering, was established in 1958 and grew out of metallic materials and heattreatment discipline. It was originally a key discipline entrusted by StateMinistry of Machinery Industry and now is a Hebei key discipline.

Materials science, affiliated to metallic materialsengineering, is a national key discipline, authorized to award first level master and doctorate degreesin metallic materials and engineering with a postdoctoral station.

In 2000, the provincial key laboratory of metal producttechnology, performance optimization and control was established. In 2008, metallicmaterials engineering was approved by State Ministry of Education as a higher educationdiscipline construction site of unique features.


There are 20 teachers---16 professors and 4 assistantprofessors, 4 of whom arePh.D. Supervisorsand 19 have doctorate degree. Until now, 12 teachers have pursued academicdegrees or engaged in advanced research abroad.

There are 1 winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished YoungScholars, 1 candidate of national “Thousands of Talent Project of the NewCentury”, 1 winner of Ministry of Education New Century Excellent TalentSupport Program, 2 winners of Fok Ying Tung Youth Fund, 1 Hebei master teacher,1 Hebei outstanding teacher and 1 Hebei Pioneer of Teacher's Morality. Inaddition, there are several teaching and research teams, including1 innovation group supported by NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, 1 innovation team Supported by Program forChang Jiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University, 1 NationalDefense Science and Technology Innovation Team and 1 Hebei Teaching Team.

Practice Conditions

College of Materials Science and Engineering to whichthis discipline affiliated houses National Experimental Teaching DemonstrationCenter of Materials Engineering ( and the State Key Laboratoryof Metastable Materials Technology and Science ( The 9135m2laboratory houses experimental equipment and instruments of 70 millionyuan in total value.

Teaching &Research

The faculty have undertaken 2 national and 2provincial teaching reform projects successively, wining 2 first prizes, 1second prize and 1 third prize of provincial teaching achievement award andestablishing 3 provincial-level top-quality courses.

In the past five years, the faculty undertook morethan 70 research projects including National 973 Plan Project, 863 Plan Program,general programs and key programs of National Natural Science Foundation ofChina,National Key Research Project, major and key programs of nationaldefense industry, provincial-ministerial level fund projects and other scienceresearch projects, for which the research funding topped 20 million yuan andmore than 10 patents were granted. In addition, the faculty won 1 second prizeof National Science and Technology Progress Award and 8 provincial-ministeriallevel awards. More than 400 papers have been published, 170 of which wereindexed by SCI, EI and ISTP.

Program Objectives

Now, this program is developing in two directions:Metallic materials and heat treatment; welding technology and equipment. Itmainly aims to train students with systematic theories of metallic materialsscience, application technology of materials engineering, basic testing skillsand research methods of scientific innovation.

Students majoring in metallic materials and heat treatmentshould take courses in: chemical composition design and production methods of metallicmaterials; the influence of Heat Treatment on the structure and performance of metallicmaterials; development of new materials and new technology.

Students majoring in welding technology and equipmentshould take courses in: metallurgy, welding technology and equipment, weldingstructure and design, welding quality inspection, welding materials design andadvanced welding technology, etc.

Core Courses

Core courses include the following: Electrical engineeringand electronic technology, fundamentals of mechanical design, theoretical mechanics,mechanics of materials, fundamentals of materials science, corrosion and protectionof metals, metal smelting and forming, performance of metallic materials, analysisand testing methods of metallic materials, non-destructive testing of metals, largecastings and forgings and thermal processing, computational application in materialsscience, metallic materials science, heat treatment principle and technology, heattreatment equipment, metallic materials and heat treatment, welding metallurgyand metal weldability, arc welding method and process, pressure welding and brazing,and welding structure.

Possible careers

In the past five years, theprimary employment rate for graduating students majoring in Metallic Materials remainedabove 90% and the rate of postgraduate admission above 40%. A majority of graduatesare employed by state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises located inBeijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Dalian and areas near Hebei province. Most of theirpositions were in technical departments, quality inspection departments and R&D departments. Universities admitting students for their Master degreeprograms are either affiliated with Chinese Academy of Sciences or otherwell-known institutes.

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