
School of Vehicle and Energy

College Profile

College of Vehicle and Energy was founded in February 2004, merging vehicle engineering, transportation,petroleum engineering, thermal energyandpower engineeringwhich were originally affiliated to College of Mechanical Engineering.

Featuring vehicle and energy, College of Vehicle and Energy has three departments (department of vehicle and transportation engineering, department ofpetroleum engineering, and department ofenergyandpower engineering), three laboratories (vehicle and transportation engineering laboratory,petroleum engineeringlaboratory,energy and power engineeringlaboratory), and three administrative offices (office of general affairs, office of teaching affairs and research, office of students affair and League Committee).

At present, thereis1national key discipline doctoral degreeprogram (vehicle engineering),1first level graduate program (powerengineering andengineeringthermophysics),6secondlevelgraduate programs (vehicle engineering, vehicle operation engineering, oil and gas field development engineering, oil and gas well engineering, thermalengineering, and powermachinery andengineering),2Master of Engineering programs(vehicle engineering, oil and gas engineering),4undergraduate programs (vehicle engineering, transportation,petroleum engineering, and energy and power engineering), and1pilotengineerprogram (vehicle engineering). Faculty

At present, there are 53 faculty and staff in College of Vehicle and Energy,including 35 teachers,8 laboratory technicians,10administrative staff. Among them, there are 8 professors (including 3Ph.D.supervisors), 19 associate professors, 34 teachers with doctoraldegreesand 15 teachers with master degrees.


The number of undergraduates and postgraduates

in College of Vehicle and Energy in the past five years




No. in 2010

No. in 2011

No. in 2012

No. in 2013













Students’ Innovative Practice

College of Vehicle and Energy attaches great importance to thecultivation of students’innovation and practicalcapabilities. Since 2007, the school has actively organized students toparticipate in three "Honda Chinaenergy-savingcarcompetition" consecutively, and achieved excellent results. In April 2010, FullParticipation in Technology Innovation Activities Programwas initiated,focusedon students’innovative thinking.From 2010, students’technology organization “YanxiangTeam" began to participate in Formula SAE Chinahostedby SAE-China and won awards. Studentsareencouraged toparticipate intheNational Petroleum Engineering Design Competitionandthe NationalCollegeStudents'EnergyConservation andPollutionReduction SocialPractice andTechnologyCompetition, and many awards werewon. In 2013, undergraduates won the second prize in the 13th“Challenge Cup” NationalCollege Students’Extra-curricularAcademicScience andTechnologyWorkCompetition.

Currently, students' scientific innovation and practical ability training system has been formed which takes “FullParticipation in Technology Innovation Activities” as the basic platform, regards the three competitions mentioned above as the platform to improve, and the “Challenge Cup” as the driving point.The “CollegeStudentsWholeProcessPhasedInnovativeAbilityCultivationPracticeTeaching”mode also improved gradually.

Certificate of “Challenge Cup”

Yanxiang Team inFormula SAE China

TheNational Petroleum EngineeringKnowledge Contest in 2014

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