
School of Science

Founded in 1967, the School ofScience developed out of the Basic Department of Northeast HeavyMachinery Institute. In 2001, it was renamed the School of Science.

The school has four departments(Electronic Information Science and Technology, Applied Physics,Information and Computing Science, Statistics), a postdoctoral researchstations in physics, one doctoral program in the second-degree discipline ofCondensed State Physics, 2 disciplines for a master’s degrees and 4undergraduate programs, and 1 Provincial Experimental Teaching DemonstrationCenter---Physics laboratory center.

At the end of 2013, the School employs127 faculty, including: 24 professors, 30 associate professors, 9 seniorlaboratory technicians. 40 young teachers have doctoral degrees.

The school has made achievementsin teaching, scientific research, discipline construction. In the last 5 years,the School has been funded by National 973 program, National 863 program,National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation ofHebei province. It also won a number of provincial awards. 680 papers were published,340 indexed by SCI and EI.

Inheriting the academic spiritof “Seeking the Truth”, the College commits itself to training students withknowledge, ability and morality, and independent thinking.

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