
School of Physical Education

Founded in 1920,College of PhysicalEducation grew out of Physical Education Teaching& Research Department. Itbegan social sports program in 2003, and changed its name into PhysicalEducation Department in 2005, and College of Physical Education in 2010.

The school has administrativedepartments---Comprehensive Office, Sports Competition Practice Section; teachingmanagement departments--- Social Sports Teaching and Research Office, Public SportsTeaching and Research Office. The school is responsible for the tasks of socialsports program, public PE teaching, sports club classes, sports training andcompetitions and group activities of the faculty and students.

At present, theschool has 1 undergraduate program in social sports, 1 master degree program insports. Of 60 faculty members, 12 are professors, 22 associate professors, 16lecturers, 5 teaching assistants, 5 teaching-aided staff, 1 full-time student advisor,and 1 laboratory technician. 50 of them have a master's degree and 5 are Ph.D.s.

In the pastthree years, more than 120 papers were published in different journals, 50 in nationalcore journals. 48 research projects were completed. The project “Analysis and Researchof Technical and Tactical Characteristics of Chinese Women’s Volleyball Teamand Its Rival in Preparation of the 29th Olympic Games” by Professor Zhaoyou Yinwon the Olympic scientific research and services contribution award; funds of scientificproject hosted by Prof. Yong Yu and Prof. Lin Lütotaled 140,000 yuan; Prof.Hongzhi Zuo succeeded in applying for over 100 inventions and patents in the past3 years; table tennis course taught by Prof. Dapeng Wang was awarded Hebeiexcellent course; Dr. Qinqin Lin successfully applied for the National NaturalScience Fund project of 2013.

YSU hassports venues of 179,640 square meters, including: 1 comprehensive gymnasium, 4standard 400-meter track and field stadiums (1 rubberized field), 35 basketballplaygrounds (8 rubberized lighted playgrounds), 26 volleyball playgrounds (8rubberized lighted playgrounds), 10 indoor badminton courts, 2 lighted tenniscourts, 1 table tennis hall, 1 Aerobics Hall, 1 Wushu Sanda Teaching Room, 1 snookerroom, 4 multi-functional exercise venues, 2 gymnasiums, 4 fitness Routes, 1reference room equipped with professional books and journals , 1 laboratory ofHuman body movement science, 1 health testing center, 8 teaching practice basesof social sports program (No. 1 Middle School, Fengnan, Tangshan; New Century HighSchool, Qinhuangdao; North outdoor club; Migao skating club; Huanmei fitnessclub; the East Golf Club;Ziyun mountainski resort; Peach Domain Development Training Club; Nandaihe Golf Club; theChangchengren outdoor sports Co. Ltd.).

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