
School of Mechanical Engineering

The roots of the School of Mechanical Engineering go back to the Department of Heavy Machinery of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). In 1958, HIT moved to the industrial town of Fulaerji, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China; and the Department of Heavy Machinery was renamed the School of Heavy Machinery of HIT. In 1960, the school became independent, known as the Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute (NHMI). At that time, the major courses offered to undergraduates were “Metal Rolling Processes and Equipment”, “Metal Forging Processes and Equipment”, “Metallurgical Equipment” and “The Process and Equipment of Machinery Manufacturing”. In 1985,NHMI set up a second campus in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province. Then the departmentof mechanical engineering divided into four departments across the two campuses: “The First Department of Mechanical Engineering”, “The Second Department of Mechanical Engineering” on the new campus, and “Department of Metallurgical Machinery” and“Department of Mechanics” on the old campus. In 1997, the two campuses merged into one and the university’s name was changed into bet365体育在线导航. The School of Mechanical Engineering was then established by combining the four mechanical engineering departments.

The school employs 300 faculty, including: 82professors (47 Ph.D. supervisors) and 77 associate professors. Honors awarded to the faculty include: 1 Hebei Yanzhao Scholar, 1 National Outstanding Teacher,1 National Model Teacher, 1 winner of National Youth Thousand Talent Plan, 1 National Young and Middle-Aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions, 3 national candidates of “Thousands of Talent Project of the New Century ”, 1 New Century Excellent Talent in University under the Ministry of Education, 2 first level candidates of Hebei New Century 333 Talents Project, 3 winners of Hebei Hundred Talent Program,3 Hebei Outstanding Experts, 7 Provincial Young and Middle-Aged Experts with Remarkable Contributions, 2 Hebei Research Innovation Teams, and 3 Hebei Outstanding Teachers. At present, there are a total of 3918 students enrolled in the school, including: 2394 undergraduate students, 1339 graduate students and 185 Ph.D. candidates.

Featuring heavy machinery and equipment, the school has two postdoctoral research stations, 2 first level disciplines (Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering), 6 sub-disciplines authorized to offer doctoral degrees and master’s degrees in engineering. The School has 1first-class National Key Discipline (Mechanical Engineering) and 3 secondary National Key Disciplines (Mechanical Design and Theory, Mechatronic Engineering, Mechanical Manufacture and Automation). Materials Processing Engineering is a key discipline for National Defense and Hebei key discipline.    

The school houses a National Engineering Research Center, a National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center, a Key Discipline Laboratory for National Defense, an Engineering Research Center sponsored by the Ministry of Education, a Key Laboratory sponsored by the Ministry of Education, 4 Hebei Key Laboratories and Engineering Research Centers, 4 Key Laboratories and Engineering Research Centers of China National Machinery Industry, a Hebei Applied Research Base, and an Engineering Research Center of Hebei Development and Reform Commission.

The School has two National Level Specialties of unique features, 1 Specialty undertaking the Trial of National Level Comprehensive Reform, 2 National Level Quality Courses, 2National Level Teaching Teams, 1 National Experimental Education Demonstration Center, 1 National Training Mode Innovation Experimental Center, 1 Provincial Level Innovation Center, 1 Specialty undertaking the Trial of Provincial Level Comprehensive Reform, 1 Provincial Training Mode Innovation Experimental Center, 2 Provincial Level Teaching Teams, 2 Provincial Level Experimental Education Demonstration Center. In June 2010, YSU was selected one of the experimental universities to implement“The Plan for Educating and Training Outstanding Engineers”. The discipline of Mechanism Design, Manufacturing and Automatization is one of the earliest specialties at YSU to undertake the Plan. In 2012, this discipline passed the verification for the “Engineering Education Accreditation” managed by the Ministry of Education.

In the last five years, the school has undertaken more than 100 National Research Projects including those funded bythe 863 Program, the National Natural Sciences Foundation, as well as Major Scienceand Technology Programs; more than 120 Provincial-Ministerial Research Projects including those sponsored by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, the Hebei Natural Sciences Foundation; and over 400 engineering projects to provide solutions to hard problems in engineering. The total research funding tops 310 million, with 82 million government research funding. The school has won 5 State Science and Technology Progress Awards, and 25 Provincial-Ministerial Level Awards. 1800 research papers were published, 1000 indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP. 32 monographs and textbooks were published and 279 patents have been authorized.

The school values academic exchange and collaboration. It has organized a number of international and domestic academic conferences. Since 2007, more than 100 well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad have been invited to give lectures or engage in cooperative researches. The school has sent over 300 faculty abroad to famous universities or research institutes to study or attend international academic conference.

The School has established and maintained good relationships with world renowned universities including: University of Illinois in the USA. University of Hull in the UK, University of Tokyo in Japan, Sophia University in Japan and Nagoya University in Japan.

Focusing on students training, the school has maintained close contact with a number of large domestic enterprises and established internship bases, like Liaoning King Kong Heavy Forging Company Training Base. Meanwhile, enterprises also granted "BDI Award Scholarships", "Tai Fung Award Scholarship" and "Ted Pipe Scholarship". In the last few years, the primary employment rate has remained above 97%.

Address: 438 West Hebei Avenue, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, P. R. China, 066004

Phone: +86-335-8057031

Fax: +86-335-8074783



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