
School of Materials Science and Engineering

History:Establishedin 1958,the School ofMaterials Science and Engineeringgrewout ofHeavy Machinery and Heat treatment of Harbin Institute ofTechnology and went through changes in its name and curriculum. In 1984 it was developedinto theDepartment ofMaterials Engineering.It wasrenamedthe School of Materials Engineering in 1996, and School of Materials Science andEngineering in 2000.

Projects and Awards:In the past five years, the school received over6 millionfund from theMinistryof Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),Department of National Defense and Hebei Province.Over 190 projects havebeen approved and established, including the National “973”and “863”Fundamental Research Projects, Innovation Research Team of NSFC, National DefenseKey and Priority Projects, and other provincial-ministerial projects.    

In the past fiveyears, the school received 1 second prize of State Natural Science Award, 1second prize of State Technological Invention Award, 4 second prizes of State Scienceand Technology Advancement Award and 14 provincial awards.

Collaboration and Outreach:Over the last decade, the schoolhaslaunched collaborations with internationally recognized institutesinthe United States, Britain, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Germany, Russia, Canada,Denmark, Italy and other countries. Half of the faculty have the experience ofstudying or working abroad. The school currently has Ph.D. students and exchangescholars from Hiroshima University, Danish National Laboratory, Danish AalborgUniversityand Italian University of Pisa.    

The schoolcurrently offersan array of national and localoutreach programs for students, including training and professionaldevelopment, community service and volunteerism, workshops and other events.


Degree Programs:6majorsare offered to undergraduate students including the Metal Materials and HeatTreatments, Welding Technology, Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Science and Engineering,Materials Physics, and Polymer Science and Engineering; and 3 graduate programsfor master anddoctoraldegrees inM aterials Science,MaterialsPhysics and Chemistry, and Materials Engineering.Materials Science is a state key discipline whileMaterials Physics and Chemistry is a provincial key discipline.

The schoolcurrently enrolls 1201 students including753undergraduates,310graduate students, and138Ph.D.candidates. Since 2007, over 50% undergraduates in the school were enrolledinto graduate programs.


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