
School of Information Science and Engineering (School of Software)

Established in1960, the School of Information Science and Engineering (School of Software)grew out of two majors of Heavy Machinery Institute in Harbin Institute ofTechnology: radio technology, computer and its application. The Department of ComputerEngineering was established in 1983 and its name was changed to School of InformationScience and Engineering in 1998. The first class of Software Engineeringstudents were enrolled in 2010, and the School of Software Engineering wasfounded in the same year. The school has made achievements in teaching,research and other aspects.

There are 185 faculty and staff, including 40professors (23 Ph.D. supervisors), 58 associate professors. Among them, 98 havedoctoral degrees and many have overseas experiences. The school currentlyenrolls 2580 undergraduates, 736 graduate students, and 87 Ph.D. candidates.

There are two post-doctoral researchstations in the school:Electronic Science and Technology,Computer Science and Technology. The school isauthorized to offer doctoral degree in 4 first level disciplines--- Electronic Scienceand Technology, Computer Science and Technology, Optical Engineering and SoftwareEngineering, and in 8 second level disciplines; offer master degree in 5 firstlevel disciplines--- Optical Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Informationand Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Technology and Software Engineering,and in 11 second level disciplines---Optical Engineering, Physical Electronics,Circuits and Systems, Micro-electronics and Solid State Electronics, ElectromagneticField and Microwave Technology, Communications and Information Systems, Signaland Information Processing, Computer Architecture, Computer Software and Theory,Computer Application Technology and Software Engineering. Information Scienceand Technology is a strong discipline group of Hebei Province; Optical Engineering,Circuits and Systems, Computer Application Technology are key disciplines of HebeiProvince. The school houses two Hebei key laboratories: special optical fiberand fiber optic sensing laboratory and Computer virtualization technology andsystem integration laboratory. The school is authorized to offer 5 master ofengineering degrees in Computer Technology, Software Engineering, Electronicsand Communication Engineering, Optical Engineering.

In the past five years, the school undertookmore than 130 research projects, including those funded by 973 Programs, 863Programs, National Natural Sciences Foundation as well asprovincial-ministerial projects, research fund topping 37 million RMB. 10patents and 16 provincial-ministerial teaching and research prizes wereawarded. More than 500 papers were published in high-profile domestic andinternational journals, as well as over 20 monographs and textbooks.

Scientific and technological innovationactivities for college students are getting much attention from the school. Inrecent years, students undertook 59 innovative experimental projects, including17 national or provincial, 42 scholastic. Students have won awards at national,provincial competitions at all levels, including the special award in 2013 13th"Challenge Cup" National College Extracurricular Scientific WorksCompetition; 4 second prizes in 2011 and 2013 National Electronic DesignContest; and other awards in Chinese University Biological networkinginnovation and entrepreneurship contest, the National robotics Championship,google Students' Software Development Contest, and the Computer ApplicationContest of five provinces of North China .

The school attaches great importance tointernational exchanges and cooperation. It has successfully held a number ofinternational and domestic academic conferences, and established partnershipswith the University of Tennessee, University of Birmingham, New York StateUniversity and universities in Germany, Japan, France and other countries aswell as national key universities and research institutes like TsinghuaUniversity, Fudan University, and Harbin Institute of Technology.

A Young and dynamic teaching and researchteam was formed and has made achievement in many research fields, such as, Intelligentrobots and intelligent control, Parallel processing and high performancecomputing, Database theory and application technology, Computer networks andinformation systems, Computer graphics and virtual simulation technology, Moderncommunication theory and its applications, Intelligent information processing, Radarsignal processing, Electromagnetic field and microwave technology, Geographicinformation systems, Fiber optic communications devices and systems, Infraredtechnology , Specialty optical fibers and Optical fiber sensing technology.

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