
School of Humanities and Law

School of Humanities and Law (School of Public Administration) was originated from the Marxism-LeninismTeaching Section and went through several phases-- the Department of SocialSciences, the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and the School ofHumanities and Law in 2001. In January 2013, the School of Public Managementwas established, which later merged with the School of Humanities and Law.

Currently, theschool has 7 Departments and one educational Center, including: the Departmentof Law, the Department of Political Science, the Department of Literature andJournalism, the Department of International Relations, the Department of PublicEconomics, the Department of Administration Management, the Department ofPhilosophy and the MPA Educational Center; 7 Bachelor degree programs in Law,Political Science and Administration Science, Chinese Language and Literature,International Politics, Economics, Radio and Television Journalism andAdministration Science; 3 first-level Master degree programs in PublicManagement, Philosophy and Political Science; 2 Professional Master degreeprograms, including MPA and JM.

The school employs120 faculty and staff, including 105 teachers (25 professors and 49 associateprofessors). 80 teachers have doctor’s degrees or are pursuing a doctoraldegree. In addition, the school has invited a dozen of distinguished scholarsas guest professors. And over 60 experts from government organizations andmanaging positions in both public undertakings and enterprises are invited totake part in teaching and research work.

The school hasone provincial key discipline: Administration Management; one Hebei Philosophyand Social Sciences Research Base; one Local Government Reform and DevelopmentResearch Center; 4 university-level research teams, including: the LocalGovernment Reform and Management Research Team, the Legal Reform Theory andPractice Team, Philosophy and Social Development Research Team, Political Scienceand International Relation Research Team. The school also has a variety ofeducational resources including: the reference library, the moot court, theradio and television broadcasting studio, legal practice training center,e-administration lab and other advanced educational platforms.

In the last fewyears, the school undertook 400 projects from National Social Science Fund, theSocial Science Fund by Ministry of Education and at the provincial- municipallevel; a dozen of horizontal research projects; and more than 60 projectswinning provincial-ministerial outstanding achievement awards. Nearly 3,000academic papers have been published, 300 papers indexed by SSCI, CSSCI, SCD andEI, and more than 60 papers citied by Xinhua Digest and Periodical Literaturesreprinted by China People's University. More than 200 monographs have beenpublished.

In 1998, theschool began to enroll undergraduates, and graduate students in 2001. Atpresent the total enrollment is 1,500---500 graduate students (MBA students included),and 1,000 undergraduates.

The school paysgreat attention to academic exchanges and teaching cooperation. It has hostedthe National Philosophical Discipline Construction and Development Forum, and“China, Europe and the World at the Times of Globalization” InternationalWorkshop, namely the Symposium, and the East Asian Public Administration ReformInternational Symposium and other international, national and regional academicconferences. It has maintained close cooperative relationships with a group ofprestigious teaching and research organizations both at home and abroad. And ithas sent a dozen of teachers overseas for academic exchanges and studies.

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