
School of Foreign Studies

provincial-levelquality courses and 1 university-level quality course. In the last few years,teachers have penned 18 monographs and more than 150 textbooks, dictionariesand books. In addition, teachers have had more than 500 academic paperspublished, of which 3 are indexed by SCI and SSCI, 5 by A&HCI, 156 by CSSCIand 22 by EI,311 incore journals, and75 ininternational academic conference proceedings.

Inaddition to distinguished faculty, the school also offers superb facilities.Currently, there are: 10 digital language labs, fourteen multimedia classrooms,1 computer assisted translation lab, 1 English radio station and 1 satellite TVreception and VOD system that can receive satellite TV programs in English,Japanese, Russian, German and French. The school has also established acomprehensive reference room and a Japanese reference room with a combinedcollection of more than 10,000 books. In addition, the school subscribes tomore than 50 national and international linguistic journals to provide facultyand students with up-to-date information on academic trends and researchinformation.

Theschool also values academic exchanges and cooperation. Since 2000, the schoolhas established and maintained good relationships with world renowneduniversities including: the Business School of University of Liverpool,University of Edinburgh, Lancaster University, Yokohama National University andMonash University. More than 20 teachers have been sent to foreign countrieslike the U.S., Canada, Germany, the U.K., New Zealand and Australia as visitingscholars. Every year, more than 20 foreign teachers from the U.K., Japan,Russian, Germany, and France come to teach in the school. Since 2005, more than50 well-known national and international experts and scholars have been invitedto give lectures or engage in academic exchanges. In 2013, the schoolsuccessfully held the 1stInternational Symposium on CognitiveLinguistics and Literature.

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