
School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering

With more than 1100 undergraduates enrolled, the School of Environmentaland Chemical Engineering has 5 departments, including: Applied Chemistry,Chemical Engineering and Technology, Process Equipment and Control Engineering,Environmental Engineering and Biological Engineering; a research experimentcenter and the Institute of Environmental engineering. The school employs 125faculty and stuff including 24 professors and 37 associate professor. Amongthem, 90 are full-time teachers, 7 Ph.D. supervisors and 67 graduatesupervisors. Meanwhile, 75 teachers have a doctoral degree and 92.2% of theteachers have a master degree. The school has 1 Chang Jiang (Yangtze River)scholar Professor, 1 winner of Ministry of Education “New Century” TalentProgram,1 national young experts with outstanding contributions, 1 professor withnational excellent doctoral dissertation, 1 winner of the Ministry of Educationprogram for New Century Excellent Talents, 1 professor funded by Hebeioutstanding youth fund, 2 winners of Hebei 100 excellent innovation talentssupport program, 1 Hebei outstanding teacher,1 second layer candidate and 3third layer candidates of Hebei New Century “333 Talents” project, and 2 provinciallevel top young talents of Hebei. More than 20 teachers have overseas studyingexperiences. The school also has Academician Guofang Pang of Chinese Academy ofEngineering as adjunct Ph.D. supervisor and Academician Jinji Gao of ChineseAcademy of Engineering as shared academician.

The school has formed a pattern of different education levels includingundergraduate programs, master’s programs and doctoral programs. The schoolalso has first level discipline of chemical engineering and technology for adoctoral degree; first level disciplines of chemical engineering and technologyand environmental science and engineering for a master’s degree; chemicalprocess and chemical engineering for a master’s degree. Currently, there are 26students pursuing a doctoral degree and 312 students a master’s degree.Meanwhile, the school also has a postdoctoral research station in “chemicalengineering and technology”, a Hebei key discipline and a Hebei key laboratoryof “applied chemistry”, a Hebei undergraduate education innovation center of“petrochemical chemistry and engineering”, a Hebei education demonstrationcenter, a Hebei virtual simulation center for chemistry and chemicalengineering education, two provincial quality courses --- “applied chemistry”and “chemical process mechanics”, 2 experimental majors --- “chemicalengineering” and “physical chemistry”. Moreover, with a research fund of morethan 10 million yuan every year, the school is now responsible for oneprovincial education reform program, nearly 60 programs sponsored by NationalHigh Technology Research and Development Program (863) and National andProvincial Natural Science Foundation, and more than 80 programs byenterprises. Many prizes are also awarded to the school, including: a National NaturalScience Award, a first prize of Hebei Science and Technology Progress Award, afirst prize of Natural Science of Ministry of Education, a second prize ofmilitary technology progress. More than20 patents for innovation were granted.

With efforts to promote the teaching reform and to improve the cultivationof students, the school has many excellent young teachers who won first prizesin all the four YSU teaching competitions. Recently, more than 30 students wonawards of national and provincial extra-curricular science and technologycompetitions. At the same time, excellent students have been selected to studyin Kettering University in the USA by PPG Chemical Group and other good overseauniversities by the school.


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