
School of Electrical Engineering

Originated fromthe automation department of Heavy Machinery InstituteinHarbin Institute of Technology (HIT),the School of Electrical Engineering consists of 6 departments, 1 experiment center and 5 administrative departments.Theschoolhas made achievementsin bothteachingandscientificresearch.

The schoolemploys 233staffmembers,including: 61 professors (36 Ph.D. supervisors, 1 Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) scholar Professor, 2 professors awarded China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scholars, 1 professor awarded National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars and 3 Humboldt scholars), and 58 associate professors. There are 3859students(85 Ph.D. Candidates, 964 graduates and 2810 undergraduates) enrolled in the school.

The school has3 postdoctoral research stations (Control Science and Engineering, Instrument Science and technology, and Electrical engineering), 3 first-class disciplines for a doctoral degree (16 second-class disciplines for a doctoral degree), 4 first-class disciplines for a master degree, 4 master of engineering programs, 1 Hebei high level discipline, 3 Hebei key disciplines, 3 Hebei Key Laboratories, 1 National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, 1 national discipline of unique features, 1 national defense core subject, 1 Hebei undergraduate education innovation center,and 1 Hebei teaching team.

In the last few years, School of Electrical Engineering undertook more than 300 research projects funded by the 973 Programs, the 863 Programs, and the National Natural Sciences Foundation,and enterprises,including:2 National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, 1 key project of the National Natural Science Foundation, 46 General and Youth Programs of the National Natural Science Foundation, 58 Hebei Science Foundation, 3 Hebei Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars.2000paperswerepublished, 1000 indexed by SCI, EI,andISTP.TheSchool of Electrical Engineeringhas won manyawards and honors, including:1 second prize of National Natural Sciences Award,1 second prize of China State Science and Technology Progress Awards, 2 third prizes of China State Science and Technology Progress Awards, 5 first prizes of provincial Awards,19 Second prizes,and 21 third prizes Awards.Meanwhile,the school integrates the laboratory resources.TheElectronic experiment centerandthe laboratory of virtual simulation of new energy transformation and its applicationhavealready beenupgraded asthe National Experimental Teaching Demonstration CenterandHebei Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, respectively.

The school built a technical innovation system for students to improve their technical innovation. In the past 3 years, various awards were received: 2 first prizes of National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest award, 1 second prizes, 1second prize and 1 third prize of Nation Undergraduate “Challenge Cup”. At the China Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Contest in 2013, 1 student won the first prize, and 7 the second. Students have won 1 silver medal and 2 bronze medals in the 6thand 7th"Challenge Cup" business plan competition for Chinese Undergraduates respectively; 1 second prize of national undergraduate students “Freescale Cup” intelligent car competition; 4 third prizes and an Outstanding organization prize in the Renesas super MCU model car competition.

Focusing on international academic exchange and collaboration, the school has held a number of international and domestic academic conferences. Since 2010, more than 50 well-known experts and scholars from home and abroad have been invited to give lectures and engage in cooperative research; more than 70 faculty have engaged in advanced studies and attended international conference in overseas universities or research institutions. The school conducted joint research programs with institutions, including:Nanyang Technology University in Singapore, the University of Singapore, the Aalborg University in Denmark, AmericanUniversity of Toledo, Sophia University, The University of Newcastle.


School Leaders and their job description


President of the college:

Zhigang Lu,

Professor and Ph.D. supervisor

Responsible for the overall college administration


Secretary of the Party committee:

Chunjiang Zhang,

Professor and Ph.D. supervisor

Responsible for the overall work of the party committees


Vice-president of the college:

Peiguo Hou

Professor andPh.D. supervisor

Responsible for the overall scientific research and graduate management


Vice-president of the college:

Hongbin Wang

Professor-Ph.D. supervisor

Responsible for the overall teaching management


Vice-Secretary of the Party committee:

Guowei Wang

Responsible for undergraduate management

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