
School of Economics and Management

The School of Economics and Management isderived from Management Engineering Program founded in Northeast HeavyMachinery Institute in 1979. In 1984, the Department of Management Engineeringwas established. Later in 1988, the Department was officially named the Schoolof Economics and Management.

After 30 years of commitment to teaching andresearching, the school has formed a student-centered education philosophy. Atpresent, the school employs 125 faculty and staff. Among 105 faculty members, thereare 33 professors (16 Ph.D. supervisors), 41 associate professors. 54 of themhave a doctoral degree. This is a well-structured faculty with rich teachingexperiences and spirit of dedication.

In the last few years, more attention wasgiven to management science, and the School of Economics and Management hasgreatly increased its input in discipline construction, laying a solidfoundation for further development of all majors. In 2005, the school wasauthorized to have a first level discipline of Management Science andEngineering for a doctoral degree, the first approved doctoral discipline inthe social science field of YSU. In 2009, the school was approved to establisha postdoctoral research station in Management Science and Engineering. In thesame year, the Port Coal Logistic Engineering and Technology Research Centercollaborating with Qinhuangdao Portpassedevaluation. In 2012, the school scored high in the evaluation of “HebeiProvince Service Economics and Management ResearchBase”and was listed one of the first batch of “Hebei Province Soft Science ResearchBase”. All these achievements show that the school has entered into a higherlevel of discipline construction, which is fundamental for future development.

At present, the school has one postdoctoralresearch station, one provincial key discipline and a first level discipline fora doctoral degree in Management Science and Engineering; 3 first leveldisciplines for a master degree in Management Science and Engineering, BusinessAdministration and Applied Economics; 13 second level academic master degreedisciplines in Regional Economics, Public Finance (including Taxation), Financeand Banking (including Insurance), Industrial Economics, InternationalBusiness, Labor Economics, Quantitative Economics, Management Science andEngineering, Accounting, Business Management, Travel Management, TechnologyEconomics and Management, and Public Administration; 7 professional master degreedisciplines, including: Master of Business Administration, Travel Management,Engineering Management, Account, Industrial Engineering, Project Management,and Logistics Engineering; 7 undergraduate programs in Business Administration,Travel Management, Economics, International Economics and Trade, Accounting,Industrial Engineering and E-commerce.

The school is still developing and seekingnew breakthroughs in steady progress. Focusing on teamwork and innovation, ithas updated its student-centered teaching philosophy, enhanced its teaching qualityin order to build a high level school with teaching and researching teamsgaining their influence both at home and abroad.

Contact: School of Economics and Management, YanshanUniversity

Address: 438 Hebei Avenue, Qinhuangdao City, HebeiProvince, P.R.China, 066004,



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