
School of Arts and Design

Founded in 1993,the School of Arts and Design (SAD) grew out of the Department of IndustrialProduct Design of the Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute. The Department ofArts was established in 2001, and its name was changed into the School of Arts in2004, and the School of Arts and Design in 2008. The school has 2 first levelmaster degree programs (Fine Arts, Music and Dance), a second level masterdegree program (Artistic Design), and a professional master degree program (IndustrialDesign Engineering). There are 8 undergraduate programs: Product Design (arts),Industrial Design (engineering), Environmental Design, Visual CommunicationDesign, Public Art, Sculpture, Painting, Music and Performance. At present, SADhas about 1,600 students. The school brings together 6 departments (Departmentof Industrial Design, the Department of Environmental Design, the Department ofVisual Communication Design, the Department of Public Arts, the Department ofSculpture, and the Department of Music), 1 fundamental arts teaching center, 1comprehensive experiment center, several research centers(such as HebeiIndustrial Design Innovation and Development Research Center, HebeiNon-material Cultural Heritage Research Base, Buddhist Art Research Center,Environmental Art Center, Landscape Ecology Research Center, Vocal ArtsResearch Center, and Research Center of Folk Music in Eastern Hebei Province),and 26 studios for extracurricular artistic practice, research and academicexchange. The school has 121 faculty and staff, including 94 full-time teachers.Among them, there are 10 professors, 34 associate professors and 32 graduatesupervisors. Well-known experts and scholars have been invited from home andabroad to teach and present lectures to students. The school has made abundantachievements in teaching, research and arts practice. Every year, it undertakesmore than 30 provincial level projects, and over 100 high quality papers arepublished on various academic publications as well as 3 monographs. It has won70 awards in competitions and exhibitions. 50 awards were received in exhibitions and design competitions such as National Fine Arts Exhibitions,Chinese Golden Bell Awards, the German Red Dot Design Award and IF DesignAward.

More funds are sponsoredto the school by YSU. A new building of nearly 30,000 square meters was builtand put into use in the fall semester of 2009. The school provides manyfirst-class teaching facilities and advanced laboratory equipment for facultyand students in teaching and learning, research, and artistic practiceactivities.

The school isproud of its 3,000 outstanding graduates, many of whom are now in seniorpositions in the colleges and universities, arts groups and relevantenterprises. They have made great contributions to the development of culture,education and modernization of China.

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