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YSU Ranks the 63rd in the Evaluation on China University Innovative Talents Training & Discipline Competition





[News from News Center] On Nov. 14th, the expert working group of the “Research on the Evaluation and the Management System of University Competitions” under China Association of Higher Education preannounced the result of the Evaluation on China University Innovative Talents Training & Discipline Competition, in which YSU ranks the 63rd.

The Evaluation on Discipline Competition is based on the funded projects of the university competitions released by the Ministry of Education in 2007, 2008 and 2010. The “Internet Plus” and the “Challenge Cup” were firstly added as well as the ACM-ICPC with wide influence and internationalization. A total of 18 competitions were included into the ranking.

The statistical caliber of this unveiled ranking is from the beginning of 2012 to the end of 2016. The evaluation gives comprehensive assessment on the contribution of competitions from 4 dimensions including the Level, Form, History and Awards Number of the competitions, and on the contribution of organizations from various aspects including the Secretariat, Undertaker, Excellent Organizer and Outstanding Guidance Teacher of the competition. In later evaluation, the content that the discipline competitions developed and expanded will be considered, including the Teaching Achievement Awards and teaching reform papers of the discipline competition.

(Translated by Zhengjie Li)

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