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YSU Public Interest Teams Won Awards in the 6th “AkzoNobel” China Student Sustainability Award Selection




[News from News Center] On Dec. 5th, recommended by Communist Youth League YSU Committee, Work-study Association from School of Economics and Management and “Water” Public Interest Team from School of Humanities and Law won the Silver Awards in the 6th “AkzoNobel” China Student Sustainability Award Selection.

The “Self-service Station”, carried out by the Work-Study Association from School of Economics and Management, advocates the education appeal of honesty, with “honesty and trustworthiness” as the guidance and internal driving force. The Station contracts the right of management to the students (the students with financial difficulties are considered first), providing conveniences in daily life. At present, there are 14 service sites at YSU, and by the end of November 2017, the Station has a returning rate of 83.63%. The “Self-service Station” not only provides students with work posts, but also practices the socialist core values.

The “Bank of Love Time” launched by “Water” Public Interest Team from School of Humanities and Law, upholds the spirit of “dedication, love, mutual assistance, and progress”, practices the idea of “learn from Lei Feng, dedicate to others, and get improved”, and strives to create a caring atmosphere at YSU. They mainly help YSU teachers and students open accounts, deposit time, withdraw time, and provide services at “Bank of Love Time”. Besides, they are responsible for the development of voluntary projects, release of voluntary activities, and promotion of the benign and orderly activities. The Team popularizes the philosophy for public benefit on the campus and serves students and the society.

Founded in 2011 by AkzoNobel, the AkzoNobel China Student Sustainability Award is a pioneering honor in China targeted at university student societies, with the guide and support of Central Committee of the China Communist Youth League. The award aims to recognize and reward university student associations that have made outstanding contributions to society around the subject of sustainability, promote the philosophy of sustainability among students, encourage active student participation in social responsibility projects, as well as raise public awareness of social responsibility and support public engagement in sustainability initiatives.

(Translated by Tong Xing)

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