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YSU (Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute) Heilongjiang Alumni Association Was Established



[News from News Center] After careful preparation for more than eight months, the YSU (Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute) Heilongjiang Alumni Association was formally established on November 26th. More than 400 alumni representatives from all over the country gathered at the Golden Mountain Hotel (formerly No. 2 Dining Hall of Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute), Hulan Ergi District, Qiqihar City and participated in the founding ceremony of the Association.

Council members of the Association

At the ceremony, the rules of the Association (draft) were passed, Zhibo Cao and other 30 alumni were elected the Council members of the Association, and 17 alumni the members of operating organizations with Jinshui Jiang and Yong Liu as the Honorary President and Jiyong Feng as the President of the Association, announcing the Association officially established.

This founding ceremony is the largest one nationwide. Alumni who graduated from 1955, when Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute was established, to 2016 attended the ceremony; Representatives of 12 alumni associations from Guangdong, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi, and 6 local alumni associations in Heilongjiang Province attended the ceremony; YSU delegation led by Xiangdong Kong, YSU Vice President, amounted to 22 people; Guangquan Xie - Party Secretary of Hulan Ergi, Qiqihar Committee, Qinghai Chang - District Mayor and other Party and government leaders and Wendi Liang - now owner of East Heavy Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute campus and the Chairman of the Board of Yunjian Group Company expressed congratulation and delivered a passionate speech.

Jiyong Feng, the President of the Association, YSU 1998 alumni, and the current Vice Chairman of the Board of Long Join Company, expressed his appreciation for the support and trust of all the parties, and that the Association was not only a matter of Heilongjiang alumni, but also a matter of all the people of Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute. The mission is glorious and the responsibility is great!

Yong Liu, Honorary President of the Association hoped Heilongjiang alumni to become a platform for communication and interaction. All alumni should pass down the mission from generation to generation and carry forward their friendship.

Representatives of alumni associations nationwide delivered enthusiastic speeches, and many representatives also gave the Association souvenirs in form of calligraphy, painting and others.

Xiangdong Kong is delivering his speech.

(Photos above from YSU Alumni Office)

Xiangdong Kong expressed warm congratulations to the establishment of the Association, and said “The establishment of the Association is of great significance, for Heilongjiang is the birthplace of the university, hometown that we care for, and home where our friends and relatives stayed.” Kong reviewed the establishment and relocation of the university, and briefed the alumni on the development of YSU in recent years and the problems and challenges in the new era. He put forward three expectations for the Association: First, the Association will take advantage of the academic and talent advantages of YSU, and constantly introduce and transform the educational and scientific achievements to better serve the local economic society; Second, the association will condense strength to provide a platform for Heilongjiang alumni to place emotions, maintain friendship, and exchange information; Third, the Association will be able to innovate the means of work, and constantly strengthen the link between YSU and Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute.

(Translated by Tong Xing)

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