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Many Articles from YSU Newspaper Won Awards for Good News on National College Newspaper



[News from News Center] Several days ago, organized by China Association of College Newspaper, the list of 2016 Awards for Good News in National College Newspaper was unveiled. Four works from YSU Newspaper won awards.

Stay True to the Mission and Go on the New Long March by Yujing Chu won the Second Prize in speech, The Sport Meeting by Qiaoyi Cai the Second Prize in design, YSU Maker Base Is Classed as National by Changshan Cai the Third Prize in information, and The First Class for Pakistan Students at YSU the Third Prize in photographing.

3004 works were received from 644 universities and colleges in 28 province, municipalities and autonomous regions. After evaluation and selection by the review committee under China Association of College Newspaper, the result was released in November, 2017.

The China Association of College Newspaper is a national first-level society and a national academic group attended by nationwide college newspaper workers, and it is under the professional guidance from the Social Science Research and Ideological Work under Department of the Ministry of Education and the supervision and management of the Civil Society Administration under Ministry of Civil Affairs.

(Translated by Tong Xing)

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