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YSU Celebrated Teachers¡¯ Day



[News from News Center] At 14:00, Sep. 8th, YSU held a celebration for the upcoming 33th Teachers¡¯ Day and commendation conference for excellent teachers. YSU leaders Weidong Meng, Hongmin Liu, Wanyu Sheng, Xiangdong Kong, Fucheng Zhang, Yan¡¯an Xie, Rong Li, Yongsheng Zhao, Baocheng Wang, Sheng Huang, and Dingxuan Zhao attended the conference as well as prize-winning units and individuals, new teachers and emeritus teachers between 2015 and 2017, and some representatives of teachers and students. YSU President Hongmin Liu hosted the conference.

The conference

(Photographed by Junling Yang)

Hongmin Liu is hosting the conference.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Wanyu Sheng is reading out the commendation decisions.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Xiangdong Kong is reading out the commendation decisions.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Yongsheng Zhao is reading out the commendation decisions.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Baocheng Wang is reading out the commendation decisions.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Vice President Wanyu Sheng, Xiangdong Kong, Yongsheng Zhao, and Member of the CPC Standing Committee at YSU Baocheng Wang successively read out the awards list of excellent units and individuals.

¡°YSU Teachers¡¯ Morality Model¡± winners are accepting awards. 

(Photographed by Qiaoyi Cai)

Representatives from ¡°YSU Pioneer Unit of Teachers¡¯ Morality Construction¡± are accepting awards.

(Photographed by Qiaoyi Cai)

Gang Fu, Tingzhi Ren, Yanyan Liu and Zhao Pan were honored ¡°YSU Teachers¡¯ Morality Model¡±. Xifeng Ding and other 29 teachers were honored ¡°YSU Teachers¡¯ Morality Pioneer Individual¡±. School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Economics and Management were honored ¡°YSU Pioneer Unit for Teachers¡¯ Morality Construction¡±.

Winners of ¡°Hebei Province Model Teacher¡±, ¡°Hebei Province Excellent Teacher¡±, ¡°Pioneers in Hebei Province Education System¡±, and ¡°Pioneer Individual for Hebei Province Education¡± are accepting awards.

(Photographed by Qiaoyi Cai)

The representative of ¡°Pioneer Group in Hebei Province Education System¡± is accepting award.

(Photographed by Qiaoyi Cai)

Jiantao Yao was honored ¡°Hebei Province Model Teacher¡±; Yan Dou, Qiurong Li and Yanmei Li ¡°Hebei Province Excellent Teacher¡±; Zhigang Lu ¡°Pioneer in Hebei Province Education System¡± and ¡°Excellent University Ideology and Politics Educator in Hebei Province¡±; School of Electrical Engineering ¡°Pioneer Group in Hebei Province Education System¡±; Lin Shen and Fengqing Wu ¡°Pioneer Individual for Hebei Province Education¡±; Zhengping Hu and other 7 teachers ¡°Qinhuangdao Excellent Teacher¡±; Xingzhou Cai and Ming Zhang ¡°Qinhuangdao Excellent Educators¡±; Yan Dou and other 17 teachers ¡°YSU Excellent Teacher¡±; and Xihui Cong and other 15 comrades ¡°YSU Excellent Educator¡±.

Winners of ¡°Hebei Province Outstanding Teacher¡± are accepting awards.

(Photographed by Qiaoyi Cai)

Winners of ¡°YSU Teaching Achievement Award¡± are accepting awards.

(Photographed by Qiaoyi Cai)

Yanguo Shi, Jiadong Ren, and Chunlei Hao were awarded ¡°Hebei Province Outstanding Teacher¡±; Yanguo Shi and other 5 teachers ¡°YSU Outstanding Teacher¡±; Huijian Li, Yanshang Jin, Xiaoguang Guan and Jingwu Zhang ¡°YSU Teaching Achievement Award¡±; Xifeng Ding and other 22 teachers ¡°YSU Teaching Model¡±; and Kaijun Qi and other 5 teachers ¡°YSU Youth Teaching Model¡±.

Winners of ¡°Hebei Province Pioneer Individual of Teachers¡¯ Morality¡± and ¡°Hebei Province Pioneer Individual of ¡®Three Aspects of Education¡¯¡± are accepting awards.

(Photographed by Qiaoyi Cai)

Wanlu Jiang was honored ¡°Hebei Province Pioneer Individual of Teachers¡¯ Morality¡±; Xiuman Luo and Baofeng Lu ¡°Hebei Province Pioneer Individual of ¡®Three Aspects of Education¡¯¡±; Chunmei Zhao, Gangshun Zang, Na Song and Xiuman Luo ¡°Qinhuangdao Pioneer Individual of ¡®Three Aspects of Education¡¯¡±; Jiantao Wu, Huagui Huang, Yansheng Jin and Bo Zhang ¡°Qinhuangdao Pioneer Individual of Teachers¡¯ Morality¡±.

Student representative Qi Liu is addressing a congratulatory speech.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Qi Liu, School of Mechanical Engineering, addressed a speech to teachers. He said that students would remember the instruction from teachers, and send best wishes for Teachers¡¯ Day.

The Representative of prize-winning teachers Yanyan Liu is addressing.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Representative of ¡°Pioneer Unit of Teachers¡¯ Morality Construction¡± Xingzhou Cai is addressing.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Teachers¡¯ Morality Model Yanyan Liu from School of Information Science and Engineering, and Party Secretary Xingzhou Cai from School of Mechanical Engineering addressed on behalf of prize-winning teachers and units respectively.

The retirement ceremony for aged teachers.

(Photographed by Qiaoyi Cai)

Representative of emeritus teachers Shujin Duo is addressing.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

New teachers are taking oath of office.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

Representative of new teachers Zhuoyuan Hou is addressing.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

The retirement ceremony for aged teachers and oath-taking ceremony for new teachers were held on the conference.  Representatives of emeritus teachers attended the ceremony and received gifts presented by YSU Leaders and bouquets from representatives of student. Representative of emeritus teachers Shujin Duo from School of Humanities and Law addressed the ceremony to review his teaching life and share his reflections on life, which were deeply moving. Representatives of new teachers and staff who entered YSU after 2015 took oath of office. Representative of new teachers Zhuoyuan Hou from School of Marxism shared his ambition to devote himself to YSU education.

Weidong Meng is addressing the conference.

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

On behalf of YSU Party committee, YSU Party Secretary Weidong Meng extended congratulations to all prize-winning units and individuals, and sincere wishes to YSU faculty and staff. He stressed that a team of first-rate teachers is required for the construction of a first-rate university with distinctive characteristics. He said that YSU would remember the contribution made by emeritus teachers to YSU, and he hoped that emeritus teachers could continue paying attention to YSU and contributing ideas and efforts to her development. He also hoped that new teachers can adapt to the role change quickly to devote themselves to YSU progress. Prize-winning teachers were expected to play a model and pioneering role to keep high-spirited attitude at work as always, not forget the original intention, thus achieving another success. He required all teachers to keep firm ideal and faith, sound morality and ethos, and exquisite professional skills. He also said that the education concept should be improved, education style be innovated and research level be promoted, therefore, new breakthroughs could be gained in training innovative talents and meeting national needs. All teachers were called to strive for the establishment of a first-rate university with distinctive characteristics.

After the conference, attendees watched the artistic performance prepared by YSU Labor Union.

Chorus---The Song of YSU

(Photographed by Yijia Di)

Group photo of leaders and the cast

(Photographed by Changshan Cai)

The performance, with YSU teaching, experimenting, logistics, and administration as the main content, expressed YSU teachers¡¯ pride of China and YSU and students¡¯ love for teachers in the form of singing, dancing, and reciting. The commendation conference and performance were broadcast live on YSU official Weibo account. 

(Translated by Zhengjie Li)

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