
Featured Specialties

Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation


Mechanical design,manufacturing and automation was named a National Special Major in 2007. Featuringheavy machinery and equipment, it holds an important academic position in China,with mechanical design and theory, mechanical and electrical engineering,machinery manufacturing and automation and other associated disciplines as itsbasis. In 2003, mechanical engineering was named a First Level Discipline authorizedto award doctorate degrees with a mechanical engineering postdoctoral station. In2005, it was elected a Priority Major highly recommended by the Hebeiprovincial government. It ranked 16thin the 2006 Annual National FirstLevel Discipline Evaluation.  

Mechanical designand theory discipline, to which mechanical engineering affiliates, was authorizedto award doctorate degrees in 1984 and was named a national key discipline in2001. Mechanical and electrical engineering discipline was authorized to award doctoratedegrees in 2000 and was named a national key discipline in 2007. Mechanical engineeringwas named one of the 14 first level national key disciplines in 2007.

Currently, thereare 192 faculty and staff for this discipline, including 65 professors (27 ofwhom are Ph.D. Supervisors) and 50 associate professors. Among the faculty,there is 1 Hebei Province Yanzhao scholar, 1 Reserve Academician of HebeiProvince, 1 National Outstanding Teacher, 1 National Model Teacher, 1 Young andMiddle-Aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions to the Country, 3 nationalcandidates of “Thousands of Talent Project of the New Century ”, 2 first layercandidates and 1 second layer candidate of Hebei New Century “333 TalentsProject”, 2 provincial scientific research and innovation teams and 4 HebeiProvince Outstanding Teachers.  

There is 1national defense key laboratory, 1 engineering research center under theMinistry of Education, 3 provincial key laboratories and engineering researchcenters, 3 China machinery industry key laboratories and engineering researchcenters, 1 provincial applied research base, 2 state-level teaching teams, 1state-level experimental teaching demonstration center, 1 state-level talenttraining mode innovation experimental zone, 2 state-level top-quality courses,1 provincial innovation center, 1 provincial talent training mode innovationexperimental zone, 2 provincial teaching teams, 2 provincial experimentalteaching demonstration centers and 10 provincial-level top-quality courses.

In the past 5 years, the faculty undertook 46national key research projects and National Natural Science Foundation projects,and 60 Provincial Natural Science Foundation projects and provincial-ministeriallevel projects, for which the annual research funding topped 30 million yuan. Thisfaculty also made a number of scientific achievements,including 1 first prizeand 3 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and28 provincial-ministerial level awards. In addition, 17 books and over 1200papers were published (more than 500 of the papers were indexed by EI and SCI);and 119 patents were granted.  

This disciplineattaches great importance to domestic and international academic exchanges andcooperation. A number of international and domestic academic conferences havebeen successfully held. In the past five years, more than 70 scholars andexperts from home and abroad were invited to give lectures and engage incooperative research. More than 200 members of faculty were sent to famous overseasuniversities or research institutes to study or attend international academicconferences. In addition,long-termcooperative relations were established with Illinois University in the UnitedStates, Hull University in the United Kingdom, Dresden University in Germany,Tokyo University in Japan, Sophia University and Nagoya University in Japan.   

Focusing on studenttraining, this discipline has maintained close contact with a number of largedomestic enterprises and established internship bases, like Liaoning King Kong HeavyForging Company Training Base. At the same time, enterprises also granted scholarshipswhich include the following, "BDI Award Scholarships","Tai Fung Award Scholarship" and "Ted Pipe Scholarship". Inrecent years, the primary employment rate for graduating students has remainedabove 97%.  

Four-year BachelorDegree Program  

Research Directions

Steel rolling equipmentand technology; machinery equipment and automation (metallurgy technology &equipment); mechanical design; mechanical and electrical engineering; electromechanicalcontrol engineering (fluid power transmission and control); mechanical manufacturingand automation; engineering design and analysis; lifting, transporting and engineeringmachinery.

Program Objectives

This disciplineaims to prepare students for senior technical personnel positions with a workingknowledge of mechanical design, manufacturing and automation, to work on designand manufacturing of industrial production line, scientific development,applied research, operation management and business sales in the field of mechanicalengineering and automation.

Core Courses

Corecourses include the following: Engineering mechanics (theoretical mechanics, materialmechanics and engineering fluid mechanics), heat transfer, mechanical drawing, mechanicalprinciples, mechanical design, metalworking and mechanism foundations, control engineeringfoundations, testing technology, electrical technology, electronic technology, principlesand application of microcomputer, numerical control technology and application,hydraulic and pneumatic transmission. In addition, there are elective coursesfor each major.

Possible Careers

Potentialcareers for graduates include: teaching in colleges and universities,scientific research in research institutes, product development in domestic andforeign enterprises and production management in foreign trade companies.


China HeavyMachinery Group, China National Erzhong Group, Shanghai Heavy MachineryFactory, North Heavy Industries Group, DHI·DCW Group, Taiyuan Heavy MachineryGroup, CITIC Heavy Industries, Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group, LiuGongMachinery Corporation, Sany Group and other Heavy machinery manufacturingenterprises.  

Baosteel, Shougang Group, Ansteel Group,Jinan Iron & Steel Group, Shagang Group, Hangang Group and other State–ownedand privately owned large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises;

China National Heavy Duty Truck, CheryAutomobile, Changan Automobile, JAC, Dongfeng Motor, BYD and other auto enterprises;

Shenyang Machine Tools, Dalian MachineTools, Qiqihar No. 2 Machine Tool, Jier Machine Tools, Yangzhou Metal FormingMachine Tool Group and other machine tool enterprises;  

Machinery manufacturing andprocessing enterprises affiliated with China Metallurgical Group, AviationIndustry Corporation of China, China South Industries Group, China AerospaceScience and Industry Corporation and other machinery manufacturing enterprisesand related research institutes.

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