
Featured Specialties

Applied Chemistry


Applied chemistry program at YSU was established in1998, and was named the Hebei specialty of Unique Features in 2009. It wasauthorized to award master and doctorate degrees in applied chemistry with apostdoctoral station in chemical engineering and technology. The major wasnamed a Hebei key discipline and the laboratory of applied engineering wasnamed a Hebei key laboratory.

Currently, there are 16 faculty and staff, including 5professors (3 of whom are PH.D. Supervisors) and 6 associate professors. AcademicianGuofang Pang of Chinese Academy of Engineering is employed as distinguished professorand adjunct PH.D. Supervisor.

Among the faculty, there are 1 winner of Ministry ofEducation “New Century” Talent Program, 1 winner of National 100 ExcellentDoctoral Dissertations Award, 1 Hebei outstanding teacher, 1 first layercandidate and 1 second layer candidate of Hebei New Century “333 Talents” project,1 winner of the honorary title of Outstanding Youth, 3 first prize winners ofYSU teaching competition.

Teaching &Research

Applied chemistryhas made fruitful achievements in both teaching and researching, including 2 top-qualityCourses and 10 Textbooks.

Funded by NationalNatural Science Foundation, the Ministry of Education Talents Program, 863Program, Hebei Natural Science Foundation and other national, provincial andcorporate projects, this major has made scientific achievements in computationalchemistry and nano-materials, chemical power technology and related materials, newenergy materials chemistry, material surface electrochemistry and itsmodification technology, functional polymer materials, chemical vapordeposition functional monocrystal and thin film.

Currently, thefaculty are undertaking 30 projects on all levels. In the past 5 years, 100published papers were indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP. 20 patents were granted. Theresearch outcome won the first prize of the Ministry of Education naturalscience award, and the second prize of military technology progress award.

Four-year BachelorDegree Program

Students in theapplied chemistry program take the following courses in a systematic way,including inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry (including instrumentalanalysis), organic chemistry, physical chemistry (including structuralchemistry), fundamentals and charting of chemical engineering, theoreticalelectrochemistry, power technology, inorganic solid state chemistry, high molecularchemistry, computer application in chemistry and other courses.

This major isdeveloping in two specializations: applied electrochemistry and materialschemistry.

Potential careersfor graduates in applied electrochemistry include: technology development and productionmanagement of battery production, electroplating, material surface coating,electroplating processing, material anticorrosion in the fields of electronics,chemical industry, aerospace, machinery and materials.

Potential careers for graduates inmaterials science include: teaching in colleges and universities, scientificresearch in research institutes, product development production management incompanies.

This major aims toprepare students for senior personnel positions with a working knowledge of chemistryfundamentals and experimental skills, to work in research institutes, collegesand universities, and companies.

Student Management

The college has always attached importance to qualityeducation. Students made outstanding achievements in cultural activities. Morethan 20 students won awards in national and provincial extra-curricular scienceand technology competition.

In the past 5 years, 30 percent of the students wereadmitted to further study for master degrees in Nanjing University, ZhejiangUniversity, Nankai University, Tianjin University, Sichuang University, BeijingUniversity of Chemical Technology and other famous universities. A majority of appliedchemistry graduates found employment with Foxconn Group, Sinopec Group, ChinaYaohua Glass Group, Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical Group, Jiangsu Shagang Groupand other well-known enterprises. The employment rate for graduating students hasremained above 87%.

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