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ResearchBase for Local government reform and development

Grantedby Hebei Federation of Social Science Circles, the base was founded at YSU onDec. 14th, 2010. YSU Prof. Weidong Meng from School of Economics andManagement was appointed director. Its major research fields include theory andpractice of local government reform,e-government and its affairs, public policy and regional economicmanagement, educational economy and management, science and technology policyand management, governmentadministration and comparative public administration, social management innovation,and leisure management.The base set up amanagement committee and an academic board with the help of YSU social sciencedivision, while School of Humanities and Law is responsible for everydayaffairs.

Engineering and Technology Research Center for coal logistics atHebei modern ports

Directed by YSU Prof. Chunling Li fromSchool of Economics and Management, the center aims to solve major engineeringand technology problems of coal logistics to function as a research base, apersonnel training center, a new technology demonstration center, and anational engineering and technology research center, playing its due role inpromoting technology innovation, management upgrading and national advancementof coal logistics. The center is jointly founded and supported by QHD Port Co.,Ltd and YSU, supervised by Hebei Science and Technology Department.

HebeiSoft Science Research Center for Service Economy and Management

Directed by YSU Prof. ZhijieSong from School of Economics and Management, the center was founded in 2012.Gangmmin Weng, Quanlin Li and Zhijie Song are in charge of the three researchfields respectively: Hebei tourism economy and its management, Hebei logisticseconomy and its management and Hebei public administration and technologyinnovation. The base is attached to Hebei Science and Technology department,while its expenditure is mainly from project funds and university constructionbudget.

Hebei ResearchCenter for Industrial Design Innovation

Applied by YSU School of Arts and Designand granted by Hebei Industry and Information Technology Department, the centerwas founded in May, 2015 with its offices in School of Arts and Design. Directedby Prof. Guoqiang Li from School of Arts and Design and supported by thefaculty and facility from School of Arts and Design, the center carries on researchon Hebei industrialization policy of industrial design, senior personneltraining and innovation model, enterprises docking program development, andindustrial design training activities in Hebei province. Since its foundation,the center has undertaken 21 cooperative programs with enterprises, contractvalue topping 1.15 million yuan. 55 patents of utility model and appearance and7 provincial level research projects were granted. Over 200 prizes were awardedboth at home and abroad, including Red Dot Award in Germany, Lite-on Award inTaiwan and CUIDC (China Universities Industrial Design Competition).

HebeiIntangible Cultural Heritage Research Base (School of Humanities and Law)

Approved by Hebei Cultural Department,the base was founded in 2013 and directed by Xin Cong, associate professor fromSchool of Humanities and Law. Its research fields include Hebei regionalculture and ancient Chinese literature research, folk literature and cultureresearch. Research contents include the relationship between Hebei culture andancient Chinese dramas, novels, poetry and essays; Hebei-related classicmasterpieces; and Hebei folk literature and culture research. The base isattached to YSU School of Humanities and Law.

HebeiIntangible Cultural Heritage Research Base (School of Arts and Design)

Foundedin June 2013, the base is one of the first 13 intangible cultural heritageresearch bases directly attached to Hebei Provincial Culture Department. Thereare 16 researchers, including 4 professors and 2 doctors, with YSU Prof.Shanjun Zhao in charge. Its research fields include protection and inherence ofHebei intangible cultural heritages related to The Great Wall; collection,sorting, inherence and protection of eastern Hebei folk songs and Hebei templesand mural painting of theatrical towels; digital protection pattern researchfor Hebei folk and custom culture; and the value and research model of Hebeiintangible cultural heritage.

YSUmanagement innovation research center for the synergetic development of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei region

Granted by Hebei Provincial EducationDepartment and directed by YSU Prof. Meng Weidong from School of Economics andManagement, the center is one of the first key research bases of universityhumanities and social sciences, receiving 400,000 yuan expenditure from HebeiProvincial Education Department every year. Its major research fields aresynergistic management of environment; synergistic development of economy andhigher education; local government cooperation; technology innovation ofequipment manufacturing industry and synergistic development; synergisticdevelopment of port cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region; and therevitalization of Hebei coastal areas and the undertaking of industries fromBeijing, Tianjin and Hebei region. The research base set up a research room anda reference room in Room 1512, the Century Building of YSU, while its managementcommittee and academic board are supported by YSU social science department.

YSUResearch Center for regional economic development

Attachedto Hebei Provincial Education Department, the center is one of the first key higherlearning research bases of humanities and social sciences, receiving 400,000yuan special research expenditure from Hebei Provincial Education Department.Directed by Prof. Weiyang Yu from School of Economics and Management, the basecarries out researches in four directions: Hebei coastal area and citydevelopment, service pattern innovation of Hebei modern port logistics, Hebeicoastal smart tourism and relevant industries, and the strategic transformationand management improvement of enterprises in coastal areas.

YSU researchcenter for Industrial design

Appliedby YSU School of Arts and Design in Sep. 2014 and granted by Hebei Provincial EducationDepartment, the center was founded in Jan. 2015. Directed by Prof. Guoqiang Chenfrom School of Arts and Design and supported by the faculty and facility from Schoolof Arts and Design, the center mainly focus on researches of Hebeiindustrialization policy for industrial design, senior personnel training andinnovation pattern research, enterprises docking program development, andindustrial design training within Hebei province.

Hebei researchbase for theoretical system of socialism with Chinese Characteristics at YSU

Foundedby and attached to Hebei provincial party committee publicity department inOct. 2015 and supported by YSU School of Marxism Studies, the base is directedby Prof. Xinhua Wang from School of Marxism Studies. Its major research fields includetheory and practice of socialism with Chinese Characteristics, effectiveness researchof ideological and political education for undergraduates, education reform ofideological and political theory courses in universities and colleges.

Synergetic DevelopmentInnovation Center for Port-centered Industry in Hebei Coastal Areas

Ledby YSU and directed by Prof. Weidong Meng from School of Economics andManagement, the center integrates social resources including Hebei Industry andInformation Technology Department, Hebei Port Group Co., Ltd, QHD municipalparty committee research labs, QHD tourism office and QHD development zonemanagement committee and 9 provincial research platforms including researchcenter for synergetic development management innovation for Beijing, Tianjinand Hebei region, Hebei service economy and management research base, localgovernment reform and development research center, Hebei industrial designinnovation research center, YSU industrial design center and 2 research basesof Hebei intangible cultural heritage.

Hebei PublicPolicy Evaluation Research Center

As anew think tank for Hebei provincial party committee and government, the centerhas 1 chief expert—Prof. Bangfan Liu; several permanent experts responsible forresearch reports and communication messages, holding conferences and lectures,and managing the think tank; and several project experts responsible forresearches of political consultant projects. Cooperating with QHD municipalparty committee policy research labs, the center undertakes 33 importantpolitical consultant projects entrusted by QHD municipal party committee withan expenditure of 200,000 yuan. Guided by national and Hebei regulations aboutnew think tank, led by Hebei provincial party committee and government andsupervised by Hebei Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, thecenter is to be an innovative think tank organization in terms of its mechanism,management, platform and operation.

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